Benchtops :實驗室臺式色差儀
| Colori7
| ColorEye
7000A (220V)
Portables :便攜式色差儀
962 0/45°便攜式分光光度儀
| 964 0/45°便攜式分光光度儀
| ColorEye
多角度分光光度計| SP60
| SP62
| SP64積分球 便攜式分光光度儀
PrePress and PressRoom
光譜密度儀 | 508
光譜密度儀 | 518
光譜密度儀 | 528
光譜密度儀 |
530 光譜密度儀 | 939
0/45°便攜式光譜密度儀 | DensiEye
700 | DTP22 | QUIKDens 100 | SpectroEye
The 500 Series
Family of Products :500系列產(chǎn)品
光譜密度儀 | 508
光譜密度儀 | 518
光譜密度儀 | 528
光譜密度儀 |
530 光譜密度儀
Transmission Densitometers:透過式(膠片/菲林)密度計
便攜式傳輸密度儀 |
361 臺式傳輸密度儀 | 369
Scanning for Pressroom:自動掃描/印刷
IntelliTrax 系統(tǒng) | vipPAQ
Automated Chart
i1iO | i1iSis | i1iSis XL
ColorMunki Photo
i1 Color Management
Eye-One 解決方案 | i1iO | i1iSis | i1iSis XL | i1Photo | i1Photo /
iO 捆綁軟件 | i1Photo SG | i1Photo SG / iO Bundle | i1Photo SG Bundle
UV Cut | i1Photo SG UV Cut / iO 捆綁軟件 | i1Photo UV Cut | i1Photo
UV Cut | i1Proof | i1Proof / iO 捆綁軟件 | i1Proof UV Cut | i1Proof
UV Cut / iO 捆綁軟件 | i1XT | i1XT UV Cut | 帶 i1Display 2 捆綁軟件的 EZcolor
i1 Product Upgrades
& Modules
i1 Beamer Module Upgrade Code | i1 CMYK 輸出模塊 | i1 Monitor Module
Upgrade Code | i1Display LT Upgrade Code | i1Match Digicam 功能
| i1Match RGB 輸出模塊 | i1Match 輸入模塊 - 僅限掃描儀
Monitor Calibrators
i1Display 2 | i1Display LT
Munsell Color
Checker Products
ColorChecker 圖表 | ColorChecker 白平衡卡 | Mini ColorChecker Chart
| 孟塞爾三步 ColorChecker 灰階 | 孟塞爾小型 3 灰平衡卡 | 孟塞爾小型 3 白平衡卡 | 孟塞爾小型三步灰階
|孟塞爾數(shù)碼 ColorChecker SG
Munsell Color
Vision Tests
FM 100 色相測試 | FM 100 色相計分系統(tǒng) | FM Dichotomous D-15 測試
Non-Contact ER50
ER On-Line Color Measurement
OEM and Home Entertainment
iCPlate2 | PlateScope | vipFLEX
ColorMail? Express 實用軟件 | ColorPort 實用軟件 | ColorQuality 軟件 | ColorShop
X | EZcolor | IFS 5 | MonacoPROFILER Gold | MonacoPROFILER Platinum
| MonacoQCcolor 軟件 | NetProfiler | PerfectPalette | PM 5 Publish
| PM4.x 升級至 PM5 | PM5 Packaging | PM5 PhotoStudio i1 UV Cut 捆綁軟件
| PM5 PhotoStudio i1 捆綁軟件 | PM5 PhotoStudio i1iO UV Cut 捆綁軟件 |
PM5 PhotoStudio i1iO 捆綁軟件 | PM5 PhotoStudio Pro | PM5 Publish
i1 UV Cut 捆綁軟件 | PM5 Publish i1 捆綁軟件 | PM5 Publish i1iO UV Cut
捆綁軟件 | PM5 Publish i1iO 捆綁軟件 | PM5 Publish Plus | PM5 Publish
Plus i1 UV Cut 捆綁軟件 | PM5 Publish Plus i1 捆綁軟件 | X-RiteColor?
Master 軟件
Visual Products
SpectraLight III
Video and Displays
i1 Product Upgrades & Modules
i1 Beamer Module Upgrade Code
Lighting Products
Judge II - S (D50/TL84) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D50/U30)
100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D50/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D65/TL84) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D65/TL84)
220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D65/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D75/TL84) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D75/TL84)
220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D75/U30) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D75/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II S 查看室
Munsell Individual Soil Charts
Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts
CarFlash | TeleFlash 130 | TeleFlash 445 | TeleFlash 小型 | VeriColor
Solo | VeriColor Spectro | VeriColor 系統(tǒng)
Non-Contact ER50
ER On-Line Color Measurement
Color iMatch | Color IQC Basic | Color iQC Professional | Color
iQC 標準 | Color iScan 設(shè)備 | ColorQuality 軟件 | NetProfiler | NetProfiler
Yearly Subscription 964 | NetProfiler Yearly Subscription CE-2180
| NetProfiler Yearly Subscription Color i7 | NetProfiler Yearly
Subscription SP64 | NetProfiler Yearly Subscription:CE-7000 |
X-RiteColor? Master 軟件
Visual Products
SpectraLight III | 色彩調(diào)和室
Coatings Bundles
ColorDesigner 750/700 | ColorDesigner Lite 400 | PersonalDesigner
400 | TwoVue 700
Coatings Hardware
552 便攜式分光光度儀 | CounterTop 700 | CounterTop 750 | MatchStik 100
(RM110) | SP52 | 便攜式 450 (RM450) | 便攜式 600 (RM61) | 掌上型 400 (RM400)
Lighting Products
Judge II - S (D50/TL84) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D50/U30)
100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D50/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D65/TL84) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D65/TL84)
220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D65/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D75/TL84) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D75/TL84)
220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II - S (D75/U30) 100/117VAC, 50/60HZ
| Judge II - S (D75/U30) 220/240VAC, 50/60HZ | Judge II S 查看室
Visual Products
SpectraLight III
ShadeVision 系統(tǒng)
Medical Bundles
Critical X-Ray 處理控制包 | Critical X-Ray 處理控制包 2
Medical Marking
X-Ray Tape – 100 英寸長 | X-Ray Tape - 175 Handy Pack | X-Ray Tape
- 25ft Roll | X-Ray Tape - 50ft Roll | 卷形帶 | 簡易裝 | 迷你裝
Medical Software
x-Read QC 分析軟件
x-Read QC